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Baby Headpieces: Proper Size, Ultimate Comfort

>> Friday, September 27, 2013

Kids grow up really fast

It's only natural that we as mothers like to take advantage of this time to have fun with our kids. Part of a mother's fun is found in how we dress them, making them look cute as can be every chance we get. And when it comes to our little girls, cute means headpieces! They're fun, totally adorable, and add flare to their outfits. We just need to make sure we get the right size.

Something I've heard so many people say is that they have bought bands that just don't fit their babies. When you go to a store to buy headpieces, it's like shopping for a "one size fits all" deal; it's as if they want to squeeze a three-year-old's head into newborn-size band, or put a band better fit for a seven-year-old on toddler's head! Crazy, right?

Comfort is key

Headpieces should and do have sizes. In my experience, I've found that it's better to shop for headpieces made with a size standard as opposed to one-size-fits-all headpieceslet's face it, they really don't. With size standard pieces, care is put into properly measuring each band based on age. The range of sizes includes newborn, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months to 3 years, and so on.

Size standards make it easier to shop for the right piece. What's even better is that your baby could still use the same headpiece for a long period of time like, for example, from the age of 6 months to 3 years. Size standards give you the choice of picking a headpiece that not only is very stylish, but also fits most comfortably around your pretty little princess' head.

After all, a comfy little girl is a happy little girl, right? (And a happy mommy, too!)

Stay tuned for my next post where we will celebrate with the arrival of beautiful summer colors and floral designs for your baby!


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